Police and law enforcement agencies
TER provides free support for all UK police forces and ports police.
Equipment theft awareness
TER provides a number of resources to help raise police awareness of equipment theft, detailing the extent of the problem and the amazing array of methods thieves use to disguise crimes totalling in excess of £50m each year (Source: Home Office).
Roadside plant and equipment checks
TER regularly assist the police with plant theft operations and roadside vehicle inspections across the UK. Watch the following video to see how we can help identify stolen items.
How thieves disguise stolen equipment

Plant and equipment checks
Seen something suspicious on the roads? Want to check if something is stolen? Start a TER Check now to ascertain ownership and check if an item is registered as stolen on our database of over 1,100,000 pieces of plant and equipment.
Plant and equipment identification
Plant and equipment is often hard to investigate because of the difficulty in finding the correct identification number or, having found an ID number, the difficulty in finding a theft or owner record.
Register yourself and your force now and gain access to our complete online Plant & Equipment Identification Guide. It doesn’t cost anything and provides pages of all the most commonly stolen equipment, with diagrams showing Serial No./VIN plate location, correct ID information areas, theft targeting, registered ownership and threat information.
Briefings and training courses
Courses include how to spot stolen items, illegal reporting of theft for insurance claims, equipment trafficking and help with identifying stolen equipment. Our aim is to increase awareness of the severity of equipment crime and help you stop it.

Cat TH330B Telehandler
Value: £30,000

Komatsu WA200-5 Loader
Value: £40,000
Hanson Aggregates

Terex Tc240LC Excavator
Value: £67,000

JCB 3CX Excavator
Value: £26,000
HSB Haughton

John Deere 6920 Tractor
Value: £42,000
NFU Mutual

John Deere 6920 Tractor
Value: £42,000
NFU Mutual